‘Exams, should it be there or shouldn't?' has been a debatable topic for ages. However, the fact remains that exams do exist in our education system and the procedures are quite monotonous. Grades are given importance and almost every parent wants their ward to excel these exams. Across the country, families are feeling the heat with parents and teachers reporting increase in children suffering exam-related anxiety ranging from panic attacks, blackouts to fatal suicides. The burden of parental expectations, unwieldy syllabuses, and swelling admission cut-offs in India’s top colleges and universities are pushing children and adolescents into irrational dread of exams.
Below are some tips that parents/students can follow during exams to lower their stress levels:
● Be constructive and positive.
● Encourage good sleep patterns and eating habits.
● Provide a quiet space for them to study and prepare.
● Having realistic expectations and not pushing them too hard.
● Help them know what to expect on the day of the exam.
● After exams, listen to their concerns and avoid criticising/comparison.
We at, MyGov Arunachal Pradesh, are looking for suggestions or ideas from parents, teachers, students and conscious citizens to tackle this issue and make examinations stress free, interesting, fair and competitive. One can also suggest if there is any other alternative to examinations.
Brajesh Kumar Srivastava 3 years 10 months ago
Students should not hesitate to ask the questions and clear the doubts from the teachers.