The Arunachal Pradesh Capital Police have launched a new citizen-centric initiative called "Police Ajin," aimed at redefining transparency, enhancing communication, and building trust within the community. "Police Ajin" is committed to fostering peace and prosperity in the capital through several key actions:
• Community Patrols: Regular patrols to engage with and support local residents.
• Samwad: A community outreach and problem resolution scheme.
• Public Hearings: Open forums for addressing community concerns and facilitating dialogue.
• Your Voice Matters: Complaint boxes in educational institutions to empower students to report issues like bullying.
These measures are designed to create a more transparent and responsive policing environment for the entire community.
We encourage citizens to share their thoughts on how this campaign can impact our people at the ground level. What additional measures should Arunachal Police take to build a strong partnership with citizens for effective law and order maintenance?