All about the Tezu Airport in Lohit district, Arunachal Pradesh - Take a Poll

End Date:
Friday, December 15, 2023 - 6:00am
What do you think about the Tezu Airport Infrastructure?

Has all basic amenities one needs in an Airport
75% (6 votes)
Okay, but will need more improvement
25% (2 votes)
Can’t say, never been to Tezu Airport
0% (0 votes)
Total votes: 8
Do you think the Airport promotes ease of travel?

Locals will greatly benefit from it
14% (1 vote)
Tourists will greatly benefit from it
0% (0 votes)
Both locals and tourists will benefit from it
86% (6 votes)
Total votes: 7
With the new terminal building launched, will there be a rise in the tourist footfall?

Yes, it will lead to a higher tourist footfall in Lohit district
86% (6 votes)
It will cater to existing tourists but may not result in new footfall
14% (1 vote)
Too soon to evaluate
0% (0 votes)
Total votes: 7
What impact will it have on trade and economy of Arunachal Pradesh?

Tourism in Lohit will get a major boost
14% (1 vote)
Trade relations will get a major boost
0% (0 votes)
Both trade and tourism will see a major boost
86% (6 votes)
Total votes: 7
What impact will it have on State Economy?

Will generate new employment and foster trade opportunities
86% (6 votes)
Will bring in more investments to state projects
0% (0 votes)
Too soon to evaluate
14% (1 vote)
Total votes: 7