End Date:
Thursday, February 29, 2024 - 6:00pm
Are you aware of state Govt healthcare initiatives such as CMAAY, Dulari Kanya Yojana, etc.?
Yes, all of them
46% (6 votes)
Heard of a few
15% (2 votes)
Never heard of it
38% (5 votes)
Total votes: 13
Have you used the m-Arogya app launched by the state government to access healthcare facilities?
Yes, I use it to avail healthcare facilities
15% (2 votes)
I’m aware of it but haven't used it yet
54% (7 votes)
I’m not aware of its existence
31% (4 votes)
Total votes: 13
Do you think healthcare service in Govt hospitals of Arunachal Pradesh is up to the mark?
Overall treatment is satisfactory
42% (5 votes)
Treatment is good but administrative service is slow
42% (5 votes)
Problem with doctor availability
17% (2 votes)
Total votes: 12
Are you aware / availed of the Chief Minister’s Free Cancer Chemotherapy Scheme (CMFCCS)?
Yes, I’m aware of the facility
46% (6 votes)
I / someone in my family have availed the service
0% (0 votes)
I don’t know about it
54% (7 votes)
Total votes: 13
Are you satisfied with the availability of medicines in government-run pharmacies in the state?
They are well-stocked
46% (6 votes)
Some medicines are not in stock, but they restock later
54% (7 votes)
Medicine availability is always unreliable
0% (0 votes)
Total votes: 13
Have you utilised telemedicine services provided by the state government during the COVID-19 pandemic?
31% (4 votes)
46% (6 votes)
Not sure
23% (3 votes)
Total votes: 13
Do you think that the government should provide more subsidies for medical treatments and surgeries in the state?
Yes, all citizens should be given subsidies
54% (7 votes)
It should be only available for citizens with financial constraints.
38% (5 votes)
It should be completely waived off for financially challenged citizens
8% (1 vote)
Total votes: 13