How do we build excellent sportsmanship culture in Arunachal Pradesh?
End Date:
Wednesday, July 20, 2022 - 3:36pm
Infrastructure & Guidance
There should be more sports institutions built across the state.
33% (5 votes)
Every district needs to actively participate in spotting raw / aspiring talent in the field.
27% (4 votes)
More well-trained coaches and sports teachers needs to be appointed at every sports complex / institution.
40% (6 votes)
Total votes: 15
Building youth Participation
Inter-school/Inter-district tournaments should be encouraged and organised more often.
43% (6 votes)
Prioritise proper rewards & recognitions (credits & scholarships) for students excelling in sports.
57% (8 votes)
Total votes: 14
Engagement by Schools
Focus should be given on conducting proper sports sessions in schools to help students pick up professional skills.
57% (8 votes)
Focus should be given on fitness of students first. Students are able to pick up sports skills outside school.
43% (6 votes)
Total votes: 14