Your opinion on Agriculture and Opportunity for farmers in Arunachal Pradesh
End Date:
Thursday, November 5, 2020 - 2:33pm
Do you think that the local farmers in Arunachal Pradesh have less entrepreneurship opportunity in the agricultural sector, in terms of national and global market?
69% (9 votes)
31% (4 votes)
Not Sure
0% (0 votes)
Total votes: 13
What major problems do the farmers face in Arunachal Pradesh that restrict their growth in the mainstream industry?
Infrastructure, transportation and connectivity.
42% (5 votes)
Poor or no precautions or recovery mechanism to prevent natural disasters from transpiring
33% (4 votes)
Expensive economy. It's difficult & harsh for the farmers in remote areas to earn two cents & spend 4 rupees to thrive.
8% (1 vote)
Fear of taking new ventures. Most village farmers are sceptical of farming alternative crops because of the lack of support.
17% (2 votes)
Total votes: 12
Suggest your opinion on how we can uplift the farming community?
Educating and teaching the basics, for better understanding & benefits of farming
46% (6 votes)
Providing affordable and accessible farming equipment
15% (2 votes)
Connect them to a potential market
23% (3 votes)
All the proposed agricultural schemes should be immediately implemented
8% (1 vote)
Beneficiary/loan schemes for needy people who want to start-up/set-up market in the agricultural sector.
8% (1 vote)
Total votes: 13