State Remote Sensing Application Centre (SRSAC)

The State Remote Sensing Application Centre (SRSAC) was established in the year 1996 and now functioning as an independent organisation under the Department of Science and Technology, Government of Arunachal Pradesh and acts as the nodal centre for Remote sensing application programmes in the state.
State Government vide Notification No SRSAC/18/2016-17, Dated Itanagar, the 29th Feb’2016 has designated SRSAC, Itanagar under the Department of Science and Technology, Government of Arunachal Pradesh as “Nodal Agency” for promoting Remote Sensing (RS), Geographical Information System (GIS) and Global Positioning System (GPS) application solution to all the offices including public sector undertakings, Govt Departments, Government Societies as per their requirement.
The main objective of SRSAC is to utilize the advanced state-of-art Remote Sensing and GIS technologies for inventory, mapping and monitoring of natural resources and planning for their sustainable development and also for effective rural and urban developmental planning in the state and taking up research/projects addressing various environmental problems and hazards in the state.
To generate geospatial datasets and create user friendly applications (through web-enabled distribution tools) for government departments to serve as an effective tool for decision making, planning, implementation and monitoring purposes
To integrate state-of-the-art remote sensing (RS), geographic information system (GIS), and global positioning (GPS) technologies with on-the-ground knowledge of ecosystems and natural resource management to address relevant issues.
To transfer knowledge and skills to the community, academicians and government departments through education, outreach and training.
To Provide core geospatial dataset (administrative boundaries, road, railway, and major settlement etc.) to all the departments in the state.
Since its inception, the centre has been providing latest state-of-the-art technology i.e. Remote sensing and GIS (Geographical Information System) services for various developmental activities in the state. The activities includes Land and water resources inventory, Mapping and monitoring of natural resources, Rural and urban area survey and mapping, Cadastral surveys, Topographical surveys , Land and water resources mapping for urban and rural area development, Land use / land cover mapping, Wasteland mapping, monitoring and change analysis, Ground water prospect mapping, Road alignment studies, Snow cover & glacial mappings for climate change studies, Potential area identification for horticulture and sericulture development, Digital Elevation Model (DEM) generation, Hazard zonation mapping of earthquake, landslides and flood, Topographical surveys of catchment areas, Land degradation mapping using state-of-the-art Remote Sensing and GIS technologies.etc.
The centre has been providing single window geospatial support services time to time to various user departments (both central and state government organizations), NGOs, individuals, Public leaders, DCs, BDOs, Circle Officers, DRDA officials, teachers and students of colleges and universities. SRSAC has extended its services in formulating project proposals to different departments, individuals in delineating administrative boundaries, forest and wild life sanctuary boundaries. Wasteland maps prepared by the centre have been used extensively by various departments, NGOs, and Project Directors of DRDAs. It may be mentioned here that SRSAC has also extended its services to several DCs and CO’s for delineating the administrative boundaries of their respective districts and circles.
SRSAC is going to establish a “State Data Repository / Hub” to maintain all RS & GIS inventories, maps and data generated by SRSAC and other departments and agencies. The Ministry of DoNER has already initiated activities to strengthen the state RS centres with State Data Repository (SRD), which will be equipped with server based workstations with needed bandwidth. It is going to be a common platform for geospatial data generated by SRSAC, other state government departments and agencies. Besides the SRD will have instant link with ISRO centre like NESAC, NRSC and SAC. Necessary infrastructural support will be provided by DoNER Ministry, GoI.
The centre is going to establish State Bhuvan portal with the support of Department of Space, Govt. of India, which will enable SRSAC to upload the geospatial data of its own and the geospatial data owned by other state government departments / agencies.
SRSAC is going to take up satellite based project monitoring and geo-tagging of developmental projects in Arunachal Pradesh.